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WeTranslate is an intellectual incubator and group of passionate individuals committed towards the promotion of Indian science and technology towards entrepreneurship and commercialisation.


We help life science companies validate their business ideas, build their products, help them to raise funding, and provide mentorship and growth guidance.

Our Services


Early Stage

Ideas born in the head need a structural plan, seed investment and a firm team, we help them to get off the ground.

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Mid Stage

Mid-Stage startups need to build an MVP, increase in size and create awareness of their product in the market. We help them with solutions aiming towards their visibility and growth.

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Mature Stage


Simmering down the burn and increasing the portfolio of services is the need for every later-stage startup for which we provide the perfect tangible plans for proven success and till the exits of angels.


Our Team

Dr Ratnesh Jain 


He is currently an Associate Professor of, ICT Mumbai. He is also leading the prestigious Bioprocess Technology Course of ICT Mumbai.

He has actively encouraged and participated in various industry-academic activities. He is working with various Startups, NGOs, International Organisations, Investments and Biopharmaceutical Industries.


Meet the team of founders behind this brainchild, who have actively dedicated their life towards serving reputed institutions for more than 15 years combined with new-age and young brains who are ready to help you equip with the best resources in the market to help you grow with their experience and youthful spirit.

Akhil Shah

Co-Founder & CEO

Alumnus of ICT. Seeking to help, accelerate and commercialise breakthrough technology and see its fruition in the real world.


Assisting ambitious individuals, scientists, and startups to realise their true potential. Your bridge between theory and commercialisation.

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The translation of deep scientific discoveries leads to unforeseen and disruptive applications for society. However, most academic discoveries with amazing potential seldom translate into impactful innovations.

WeTranslate aims to be the bridge towards acceleration and launching that dream venture or to scale up your existing venture 10-fold & to leverage existing scientific discoveries across India to develop socially relevant, sustainable solutions in health, agriculture and the environment.

Clientele and Collaboration

Entrepreneurs believe in us for not just our connections and services but the additional wisdom of our specialists that helps them through handholding and directional support.

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